Edina SZABÓ, Hungarian Prison Slang Today > 219

L’argot des prisons est une des variétés sociologiques du hongrois les moins connues. Le but de notre recherche était de recueillir le vocabulaire de cette variété et de l’analyser d’un point de vue sociolinguistique. Une enquête par questionnaires, complétée d’interviews thématiques, a d’abord été conduite à Debrecen, puis dans tous les établissements pénitentiaires majeurs de Hongrie. Un des principaux résultats de ce travail a été l’élaboration d’un dictionnaire de l’argot des prisons.

1 The objectives of the research

As the title suggests, my research presents Hungarian prison slang attested from 1996 to 2005. This variety has never seen an overall study in Hungary up to now, so my research project tried to bridge this gap and dealt with general questions of the internal and informal language use of prisoners of penal institutions. To be able to conduct such a study I had to work out novel research methodologies and extensively collected linguistic sample in prisons. I then arranged the collected words and expressions into a systematic database in the form of a dictionary. Having created a database, I analysed the linguistic and sociolinguistic features of the given variety.

When conducting a pilot study, data, which have never been dealt with in Hungarian linguistics, emerged in such quantity and quality that this first exploratory stage inspired an overall study of Hungarian prison slang through a deeper and planned slang research.

During my research, I always held as a principle to consider slang from the slang user’s perspective so my objective was to provide a description of conditions motivating group members for slang usage. In order to learn about these conditions, I had to extend my research to the examination of the groups of closed space, observing the possibilities and reasons of group formation within a prison community.

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