The differences between teenagers (age 10-14) and students in the use of slang > 99

Les différences entre l’argot des adolescents et celui des étudiants se manifestent avant tout dans les thématiques, et notamment dans les noms donnés aux différents départements, aux professeurs ou à des passions telles l’alcool, la drogue, la sexualité (y compris les noms des parties génitales), le jeu, etc. 

Le style du sociolecte estudiantin est plus grossier mais également plus spirituel que celui de l’argot des adolescents.

1. Some antecedents

In 1996 I published the first and richest collection of synonyms of Hungarian student slang – with the title Mini-tini-szótár (Dictionary of Little Teenagers). It contains the slang use of a synchronical period (1975–1990) of a homogeneous age group (age 10-14). Data were collected in all counties and beyond the Hungarian borders with the help of pupils and teachers. (Naturally we sent them photocopied lists of subscriptions.)

The “corpus” they collected brought a quarter of a million lexical elements. Our thesaurus contains a sample of more than 30,000 of these words and expressions grouped around 23 themes, arranged in 1,760 entries in clustered forms, ranging from school life to all other walks of life. More than 2,600 words and expressions from over 40 languages are accompanied by interpretations and etymological explanations.

Towards the turn of the millennia I ran a language course on slang for university students for 10 years. The students had to collect slang words and expressions from the fields of education and various topics of life. Approximately 15,000 words and expressions proved to be useful for a future thesaurus with the title ‘The slang of Pécs University Students of Art’.

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